★Bean-starch Vermicelli Noodle★
In Japan, there are a lot of kinds of precooked Chinese noodles. They are eary to cook and we can eat them soon. we only waite three minutes. So many people like them. However, they have high calorie and if you eat them too much, they become harmful for your health. Recently, there is a popular noodle, bean-starch vermicelli noodle. It has low calorie becouse it is made from beans. Therefor it is good our health too!! Bean-starch vermicelli is produced in China, Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam. I'll explain how to make bean-starch vermicelli. Material of bean-starch vermicelli is green beans. First is making powder from green beans. And next kneading those powder. Finally, boiling it. It is not easy to make bean-starch vermicelli in person. However, we can get them easily at supermarket.

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