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~The Star Festival ~
In Japan, on July 7th, we hold the Star Festival. It is called “TANABATA” in Japanese. The origin came from China a long time ago. In this festival, people make a lot of oblong cards. We write our desire on the cards. I think the Star Festival is an important event because we can wish our special people for health and a good life. Then, we decorate bamboo grass with these oblong cards and a lot of ornament shaped stars. It is said that our desire will come true if people float the bamboo grass to the river.★The Story of the Orihime and Hikoboshi★
The Star Festival has a special story. In the old day, a woman called Vega lived near the Milky Way. When she became an adult, her father made her marry a man. His name is Altair. However, once they married, they became lazy. They did not work and did nothing so the god got angry. He decided to divide them by the Milky Way. Vega was so sad because she could not see Altair anymore and she had cried every day since that day. Therefore, the god felt sorry for her and he permitted her to see Altair only once a year, on July 7th, the Star Festival day. In Japan, there is a famous star festival, Sendai Star Festival. It is a big festival and it is included in the three big festivals in the northeast district.
~Survey About the Blog~ *** ***
I asked my five friends eight questoins about the blog.Members: Risa.M =R Miho =M Chiemi =CRina =R Maika =M1. Which website did you often use?R,R,M Yahoo M,C Google2. Which theme was the easiest to write?R, Event M, Dialy C, Interesting thingsR, Festival M, Movies3. Which part did you improve to look your blog better?R, Size and color of my topics M, Using my picturesC, Link pictures R, Keep it simpleM, Using many pictures4. Do you have your private blog?R, M, C, R, M, No, I do not.5. What did you care about to write the sentences?R, M, R, M, Grammer C, Easy to look 6. How often do you update your blog?R, M, C, R, M, Once a week7. How do you use other people's blog to chack his/her diary or get any information?R, I use their information to compare with my life.M, I use to cheack my friend's daily.C, To gather interesting information.R, To catch useful information.M, To get good information.8. When do you update your blog?R, M, In the midnight.C, M, In the evening.R, Lunh time.
~My Best Blog in Other class~
I like this bolg the best, RIRA*DIARY. Because her layout is very cute and she uses a lot of colors. In addition, there are many pictures. So it is very easy to look. I like her content too. I enjoyed to look her blog!
2nd☆☆Poco A Poco *I chose this blog as the second one, Poco A Poco *. She uses a lot of pictures and they are very cute. I think she writes long. It is easy to understand. So I could read almost everything of this blog. Her layout is so cute!
3rd☆☆☆Peach Diary☆
I like this blog, Peach Diary☆. So I chose this blog as the third. Her pictures and layout are also great. I especially like the movie's blog. It is very interesting to me. It is easy to understand!!
~My Best Blog in I Class~1st☆Potato's Blog
I like Potato's blog the best. Because it is easy to look and understand. I think she researched things in detail. She uses a lot of easy words. So I can read her paragraph. Especially I was interested in Gion Festival. I researched Gion Festival too. But she had some information which I did not kow. I like her layout as well. The color of words matchs her blog.
2nd☆☆strV's Blog
I like strV's blog. Because the content of her paragraph is very interesting. I like her pictures. I was very interested in her paragraph about New Zealand. I was very surprised that there are eight times as many sheep as population. But there is one problem. The number of sheep has been decreaseing. So I want to know about New Zealand.
3rd☆☆☆chihuahua's Blog
I like chihuahua's blog too. I especially like her layout. It is easy to look. In addition, the size and the font are good. She tries to add a lot of good pictures on her blog. Since there are a lot of good pictures, people who look at this blog can understand the content well. Next time, I want to try to search a lot of pictures.